Skills Boosting Weekends

Skills Boosting Weekends

Boosting the skills of low-performance teenagers for their integration in Vocational Education and employment               

Financed by: UNICEF Albania     

Implementation period: 07/2022 – 07/2024       

At the heart of the “Boosting the skills of low-performance teenagers for their integration in Vocational Education and employment” project are the “Skills Boost Weekends”, that have had the largest impact and reverberation thought VET schools. Implemented in 21 schools in 7 districts of Albania, this component of the project targeted around 1400 10th grade students.

In a series of colourful activities carried out both in Albania’s beautiful touristic attractions, and in schools, students immersed in activities that combined subjects as language and communication, math, and ICT with career orientation discussions, softs skills focus group discussions, environmental protection and voluntary work, hands-on workshops, including bicycle days maintenance, which propelled students towards personal growth, stronger connection with peers and educators, and increased involvement and desire to attend school.


  • +270 Skill Boost Weekend activities organised to date within the school grounds, businesses, cultural and historical sites, museums, natural parks, nature, etc. 
  • +1400 10th grade VET students participated at least once in the Skill Boost Weekends
  • +40 VET teachers trained in program implementation and psychological assessment of student’s needs
  • +40 Secondary Education and VET teachers trained in program implementation for the shared experience in VET Schools Days
  • 21 VET schools in 7 regions
  • 6 Secondary Education schools from 3 regions
  • +15 experts on education, career orientation, art, psychology, sports, and green mobility involved

Designed documents:

  • Program in modules for the development of VET student’s basic skills
  • Guidelines for testing practical learning experiences of 9th grade Secondary Education students in VET schools


  • 90% of students had positive changes in their psycho-emotional state (friendlier, communicative, boost of socio-emotional skills)
  • 86% of students had positive changes in school attendance, students involved in the project have STAYED IN SCHOOL.
  • 79% of students have improved basic digital skills (Microsoft Office applications, navigation in safe internet websites, collecting and sharing information)
  • 75% of students have improved basic communication skills (self-presentation, interpersonal communication peer-to-peer, digital presentations, videos…)
  • 79% of students have improved basic mathematical skills (measurement units, calculations of costs, meals, etc.)

Activities carried out during 2022-2023

Activities carried out during 2023-2024

The days at the VET where the ninth grade students participated