Call for expert for content adaptation for videos; digitalization, and design of materials for online course

Call for expert for content adaptation for videos; digitalization, and design of materials for online course

Tirana, 20/12/2024

Subject: Call for expression of interest for content adaptation for videos; digitalization, and design of materials for the online course on the platform (content creator)

Center for Competitive Skills (CCS), as part of its efforts to promote the circular economy, announces this call for:

Expert/company for digitalization and design of educational materials for online courses and videos on circular economy and sustainable practices

Position Details:

The selected expert/company will be responsible for:

  • Adapting text for the creation of six animated videos (content creator), including the visual script for the videos.
  • Preparing and formatting materials for use in online courses (two online courses with four modules).
  • Designing and visually improving existing materials.

Professional Criteria (Terms of Reference):

  • Proven experience in design and content creation.

Required Application Documents:

  1. An updated CV in Albanian or English.
  2. A detailed cost breakdown for each of the tasks listed above.
  3. Estimated timeline for completing all improvements.
  4. Work methodology and any additional information that may assist in evaluating your offer.
  5. If the candidate is a commercial entity, it must not be in the process of liquidation, bankruptcy, or restructuring due to financial insolvency.
  6. The company must submit an extract from the National Business Center (QKB), confirming its legal status, ownership, and business activity.

Application Procedure: Interested applications must be sent via email to: or delivered to the CCS office at the following address:

Address: “Shyqyri Bërxolli” Street, Aurora Building, 7th Floor, Tirana, Albania

The deadline for submitting applications is 05/01/2025, at 23:59. Only applications received within this timeframe will be considered.

For further information on the requirements and content of the tender documentation, please contact us at the aforementioned email address or refer to the Terms of Reference published here on this website.